Once the student applications have been accepted by the EMJMD SEAS 4.0 Consortium Committee, the Consortium Universities enrol these students according to their own regulations where each student will follow at least one semester of the EMJMD SEAS 4.0 master.
Enrolment is only official after paying the tuition fee to the account of the Consortium. However, registration always takes place administratively at the Coordinator’s institution.
Upon registration, all students are required to sign a Student Agreement, the content of which is defined by the Consortium Committee, defining their rights and duties.
All EMJMD SEAS 4.0 Students are obliged to:
- attend assiduously the prescribed lectures and examinations of the SEAS 4.0 program during the 1.5 academic years with the objective of successfully validating the modules and creating the thesis inherent in the program of studies;
- participate in the joint activities, such as the workshops, challenge weeks and summer schools even if there is no direct ECTS corresponding to it;
- attend assiduously the national language course offered in the host institutions even if there is no ECTS corresponding to it;
- in case of ERASMUS+ scholarship holder the student must not to receive any other scholarship or subvention financed by the EC under other community programs. The student is not allowed to embark on any vocational occupation with a regular salary in parallel to the studies under the ERASMUS+ scholarship excluding internships foreseen as part of the program;
- to respect the internal rule and charts of the hosting institutions (library, computer chart, etc.);
- students must ensure that they do not engage in any form of unfair practice, whereby they take action which may result in them obtaining for themselves or others, an unpermitted advantage. Unfair practice is defined as any act whereby a person may obtain for him/herself or for another, an unpermitted advantage;
- participate in the EMJMD SEAS 4.0 Master Programme course evaluation and Quality Assurance procedures