Is your company interested in becoming an associate partner of the EMJMD SEAS 4.0 Consortium?
As an associate partner you have the opportunity to:
- Jointly conduct Master Thesis
- Advise the SEAS 4.0 Strategic Advisory Board to adjust the education contents to the up-to-date industrial requirements
- Provide industry related lectures/ seminars
- Promote and disseminate the Master Programme
- Support special events like the Challenge Week, Welcome Week
- Share information on EMJMD SEAS 4.0 website regarding new job opportunities or projects
- Contribute in strengthening the cooperation with industry through fitting internship stages
Importantly student applicants receiving positive recommendation letters from associate partners will receive an increased weighing on their application form.
To become an associate partner please contact the EMJMD SEAS 4.0 Coordinator, Prof. Ermina Begovic,