Learning outcomes of the Internship and Master Thesis
The goal of the internship and master thesis is to prepare the students for their future careers. The students will have to prove that they can carry out a project based on their theoretical and practical knowledge and skills. The project must include a preliminary study, some substantial development, and a final evaluation of the results. Internship and master thesis could be combined, but each of them needs their own report.
Internship contents: The internship is an individual project that must be accomplished in a company, research center or laboratories of the host University. The topic is generally proposed by a company and approved by Education Board members. Students must deliver the internship report, in which the context of the work, the company, the problem addressed, the methodology, the accomplished tasks, the obtained results, and a conclusion (contributions and perspectives) are described.
Thesis contents: The master thesis is an individual project. The thesis manuscript should describe the context of the work, the problem addressed, the proposed solution with some justification of the design choices, an evaluation, a conclusion and all relevant appendices.
Work placement(s): Internship in the duration of 375 hours in a company, research center or in laboratory at the host university.
Mode of delivery: Proposals of internships and master thesis topics could be done by professors, industrial partners or by students (strongly encouraged), and should include a brief description of the topic and tasks to be developed and indicate the academic advisor. Students should choose a topic as early as possible, but not later than the mid of the October of the 3rd semester.
Education Board will review and approve internship positions and master thesis topics and communicate the final list to students. Internships can start as soon as the Education Board approves the “Internship Objectives and Project Specification” document agreed with the company, research center or host University. It is possible to start the internship during the summer holidays. The student will keep the academic advisor informed of the progresses on a regular basis.
Assessment methods and criteria
The evaluation of the internship: will be based on the report written by the student, and will be done by the Education Board on a Favorable/Non Favorable scheme.
The evaluation of the thesis: includes the written report and an oral defense, held at the University of Naples Federico II. It consists of an oral presentation, question/answer session, and it’s followed by a short deliberation. The final grade considers the quality of the achieved work, the quality of the written report and the oral presentation, as well as the relevance of the provided answers.